Česko-slovenská databáze anime, mangy, postav a osobností. Kacuri Júri je třiadvacetiletý krasobruslař, který na svůj velký průlom stále čeká.
Yuri!!! on Ice. Yuri Katsuki es un patinador artístico que, asumiendo las expectativas de todo Japón, experimentó una derrota aplastante en la final de Gran Prix. Con esto, él vuelve a su ciudad natal en Kyushu. Medio queriendo continuar con el patinaje y medio queriendo retirarse, Yuri se ha refugiado en la casa de su familia.
Webová stránka s překladatelskými týmy, zaměřující se na překlady "anime, dorama (filmů i seriálů), mang (možná je i online čítárna)", dále na informační články o asijské kultuře, různých hrách a hudbě.
Yuri on Ice Cz/Eng. 1.3K likes. Yuri!! on Ice ENG/CZ FanPage :) Every posts are in English and Czech
I once saw two guys making out, and that was the gayest thing I ever saw, until Yaoi!!! on Ice Yuri!!! on Ice. I mean, yaoi bait isn't a new thing. Teen girls have finally reached the point of equality that they squeel over two guys kissing in an exact match to the way guys love watching two girls making out and this is marketted right at that.
Yuri!!! on Ice (Japanese: ユーリ!!! on ICE) is a Japanese sports anime television series about figure skating.The series was produced by MAPPA, directed and written by Sayo Yamamoto with original scripts by Mitsurō Kubo under the chief direction of Jun Shishido.
Oct 06, 2016 · Yuri!!! on Ice is a sports anime. That’s what it’s listed as, that’s what it was first promoted as, and it’s how I would believe the series creators wish it to be seen. But Yuri!!! on Ice is so much more than just a sports anime.
Yuri on Ice Cz/Eng. 1.3K likes. Yuri!! on Ice ENG/CZ FanPage :) Every posts are in English and Czech
Watch and stream subbed and dubbed episodes of Yuri!!! on Ice online on Anime-Planet. Legal and free through industry partnerships.
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Which Yuri!!! On Ice Character Are You? Quiz introduction. Ever wanted to know whose skates you'd fill if you ever took to the ice? This is the first wave quiz